Book Design
Concept, Graphic Design

Disclaimer: This is a purely conceptual project done for school & I do not own the rights to the images.
Most great art photographers of our time work with nudity. Nowadays censorship especially in social media is an issue that stops us from seeing these images in their completness on these platforms.
Uncensored is a conceptual project that deals with the problem of censorship in a fun, tongue in check way.
The spectator is invited to become part of the censoring or uncensoring of the images.
- Magnets -

- Screening -

- Stickers -

- Pull outs -

- Scratch offs -

- Stickerbook -

UNcensor your favorite magazine covers, commercials or even family photos that are lacking
just the right amount of explicit nudity with the Uncensored sticker book.
just the right amount of explicit nudity with the Uncensored sticker book.